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[网络问题] Windows Update 自动更新的错误代码

发表于 2014-10-29 14:39:24 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Windows Update 自动更新的错误代码

                    Error Description Details

ERROR_PROCESS_ABORTED The process terminated unexpectedly

80072733 DLOAD_FAILURE A non-blocking socket operation could not be completed immediately.


80070001 An error occurred during transmission: A network connection with the remote server could not be established. NULL

ffffffff Cancel The user canceled the transaction

800704c7 Cancelled by user NULL

800703fd Cannot create a stable subkey under a volatile parent key. Cannot create a stable subkey under a volatile parent key.

800c0008 Cannot download the information you requested. NULL

80070570 Cannot open file NULL

80070015 Cannot open please verify the path and file are correct or The_device_is_not_ready NULL

80070017 Data error (cyclic redundancy check). Data error (cyclic redundancy check).

80004004 E_ABORT Operation aborted error

80004005 E_Fail General error or Unknown Error

80070006 E_Handle Handle not valid error

80070057 E_INVALIDARG One or more arguments are not valid error.

800705aa Error loading resources NULL

80070005 ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED Access is denied. The authentication method is not supported.

800703f5 ERROR_CANTWIRTE The configuration registry key could not be written.




800700ff ERROR_EA_LIST_INCONSISTENT The extended attributes are inconsistent.

80072f76 ERROR_HTTP_HEADER_NOT_FOUND The requested http header could not be located

80072f78 ERROR_HTTP_INVALID_SERVER_RESPONSE The server response could not be parsed.


80072efd ERROR_INTERNET_CANNOT_CONNECT Cannot connect to the Internet server

80072efe ERROR_INTERNET_CONNECTION_ABORTED The connection with the server has been terminated.

80072eff ERROR_INTERNET_CONNECTION_RESET The connection with the server has been reset.

80072ee4 ERROR_INTERNET_INTERNAL_ERROR An internal error has occurred.

80072ee7 ERROR_INTERNET_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED The server name could not be resolved. DNS Error. Please try a different root DNS (Like UUNET)

80072ee2 ERROR_INTERNET_TIMEOUT The request has timed out. The connection to

this Internet site took longer than the allotted time.



8007051b ERROR_INVALID_OWNER This security ID may not be assigned as the owner of this object.

8007045d ERROR_IO_DEVICE The request could not be performed because of an I/O device error.



800703fb ERROR_NO_LOG_SPACE System could not allocate the required space in a registry log.

80070103 Error_No_More_Items: Windows has determined that the selected driver is not the best driver for your machine.


80070008 ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY The system is out of memory.

800703e3 ERROR_OPERATION_ABORTED The I/O operation has been aborted because of either

a thread exit or an application request.


80070715 ERROR_RESOURCE_TYPE_NOT_FOUND The specified resource type cannot be found in

the image file.


80070080 ERROR_WAIT_NO_CHILDREN There are no child processes to wait for.

80070643 Fatal error during installation NULL

800c0002 http can not find the file specified http can not find the file specified

80070190 HTTP_STATUS_BAD_REQUEST (400)400 // invalid syntax. The request could not be processed by the server due to invalid syntax.

80070193 HTTP_STATUS_FORBIDDEN (403) 403// Server is too busy to process request. The server understood the request, but is refusing to fulfill it.

800701f8 HTTP_STATUS_GATEWAY_TIMEOUT (504) 504 // timed out waiting for gateway. The request was timed out waiting for a gateway.

8007019b HTTP_STATUS_LENGTH_REQUIRED (411) This is a known issue. Possibly relating to proxy servers that don't support http1.1. The server refuses to accept the request without a defined content length.

80070194 HTTP_STATUS_NOT_FOUND (404) 404// Cabs or page is not found.

The server has not found anything matching the requested URI (Uniform Resource Identifier).

80070197 HTTP_STATUS_PROXY_AUTH_REQ (407) 407 error (proxy authentication required) - need specific password/user to access. Proxy authentication required.

80070198 HTTP_STATUS_REQUEST_TIMEOUT (408) The server timed out waiting for the request.

800701f4 HTTP_STATUS_SERVER_ERROR (500) The server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request.

800701f7 HTTP_STATUS_SERVICE_UNAVAIL (503) 503// Server is to busy to process request. The service is temporarily overloaded.

800703e6 Invalid access to memory locetion NULL

800700c1 is not a valid Win32 application not a valid Win32 application.

0x3 iuctl.dll and iuengine.dll are not the correct version iuctl.dll.dll and

iuengine.dll are not the correct version and are unable to be updated.

0x1 iuctl.dll is not the correct version iuctl.dll is not the correct version and is

unable to be updated.

fffffb4a JET_errDatabaseCorrupted NULL

fffffbf8 JET_errFileAccessDenied NULL

fffffc0d JET_errOutOfMemory NULL

ffffff99 JET_errOutOfThreads NULL

80070070 Method '~' of object '~' failed Not enough Hard Drive Space NULL

800a1391 Microsoft Jscript? runtime 'Recordset1' is undefined Jscript error “undefined identifier"

800a0005 Microsoft VBScript runtime error Invalid procedure call or argument: 'fs.OpenTextFile' NULL

00a01b6 Microsoft VBScript runtime error Object doesn't support this property or method:


80000007 Operation aborted NULL

80070490 Permission denied / [Problem initializing or using session variables] or

Element not found NULL

800701f6 Proxy was unable to forward the request to the destination server NULL






0x0 Success NULL

8007000d The Data is invalid. Cannot open NULL

8007048f The device is not connected. NULL

800705af The paging file is too small for this operation to complete NULL

80070020 The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process NULL

007041f The service database is locked NULL

80070426 The service has not been started NULL

80070004 The set of folders could not be opened. You do not have sufficient privileges to

access the file. Personal Folders NULL

8007007e The specified module could not be found NULL

80070430 The specified service has been marked for deletion NULL

80070002 INSTALL_FAILURE Error_File_Not_Found: The system cannot find the file Specified.

80070003 The system cannot find the path specified. Windows Update folder does not exist or the V4 folder within Windows Update is missing. (The correct code path is something like this: %Program Files%\WindowsUpdate\V4)

800b0004 Trust_E_Subject_Not_Trusted; The subject is not trusted for the specified action.

The subject is not trusted for the specified action. (Digital Signatures on file D:\Program Files\WindowsUpdate\V4\iuident.cab are not trusted)

80070714 Version unavailable or Invalid The specified image file did not contain a

resource section.

80072EE7 DLOAD_FAILURE The requested lookup key was not found in any active activation context.

801901F4 Invalid interface string Invalid interface string

PS:以上为英文出错信息描述,相信英文稍有基础的人都能看明白……英文不好的也没关系……可到Google 翻译下……大概原因或许就知道些啦……  
以下为 【中文】版 -- 错误代码
Windows Update 错误 51F  

如果在尝试安装更新时收到 Windows Update 错误 51F,则 Microsoft Office 2003 产品的本地安装源 (LIS) 已损坏。LIS 是 Office 2003 产品用来安装程序和 Office 程序更新的软件。

Windows Update 错误 52F  

如果在尝试安装更新时收到 Windows Update 错误 52F,说明 Microsoft Office 2003 产品的本地安装源 (LIS) 已损坏。LIS 是 Office 2003 产品用来安装程序和 Office 程序更新的软件。

Windows Update 错误 80070070

  如果在尝试安装更新时收到 Windows Update 错误 80070070,请释放计算机上的磁盘空间,然后重新尝试。

Windows Update 错误 80070002

  如果在检查更新时收到 Windows Update 错误 80070002,需要删除 Windows 用于确定计算机更新的临时更新文件。若要删除这些文件,请完成下面的所有步骤,然后重新尝试检查 Windows 更新。

Windows Update 错误 80070003

  如果在检查更新时收到 Windows Update 错误 80070003,则需要删除 Windows 用于识别计算机更新的临时文件。若要删除这些临时文件,请完成下面的所有步骤,然后重新尝试检查 Windows 更新。

Windows Update 错误 80070422

  如果在下载更新时收到 Windows Update 错误 80070422,可能需要更改 Windows Update 服务设置,然后重新启动该服务。

Windows Update 错误 80070643

  如果在安装 Microsoft Office 2003 的更新时收到 Windows Update 错误 80070643,可能需要重新启动 Office Source Engine (OSE) 服务。如果该服务设置为默认的“手动”设置,Windows Update 可以自动启动该服务为 Office 产品安装更新。如果该服务已禁用,则需要重新启动它,然后重新尝试为 Office 产品安装最新的更新。

Windows Update 错误 80072ee2

  如果在检查更新时收到 Windows Update 错误 80072ee2,可能需要将 Windows Update 下载更新的网站地址添加到防火墙例外或“允许”列表中。

Windows Update 错误 80072ee7

  如果在检查更新时收到 Windows Update 错误 80072ee7,可能需要更改或删除 Windows Update 服务的静态 IP 地址。地址保存在一个名为 Hosts 的操作系统文件中。

  每次检查更新时 Windows Update 服务的 IP 地址都可能会改变,但是 Windows 的某些附加程序会将静态地址条目添加到 Hosts 文件中。Windows Update 的静态 IP 地址将会使计算机无法获取更新。

Windows Update 错误 80072efd  

如果在检查更新时收到 Windows Update 错误 80072efd,可能需要将 Windows Update 下载更新的网站地址添加到防火墙例外或“允许”列表中。

Windows Update 错误 8024001F

  如果在检查更新时收到 Windows Update 错误 8024001F,需要连接到 Internet。确保网线电缆已插入并牢固连接到计算机。若要查看 Internet 连接是否能够正常工作,请尝试打开 Web 浏览器,然后访问经常访问的网站。当确认已连接到 Internet 之后,请重新尝试检查更新。

Windows Update 错误 8024402C

  如果在检查更新时收到 Windows Update 错误 8024402C,需要将 Internet Explorer 设置为自动检测局域网 (LAN) 设置,这样 Windows Update 便可以联机获取更新。

Windows Update 错误 80246007

  如果在下载或检查更新时收到 Windows Update 错误 80246007,可能需要更改或重新启动后台智能传送服务 (BITS)。该服务允许 Windows Update 将更新下载到您的计算机。

Windows Update 错误 80246008


  如果在下载更新时收到 Windows Update 错误 80246008,可能需要更改后台智能传送服务 (BITS) 或 Windows 事件日志服务设置,然后重新启动每项服务。

以下为 【中文】版 -- 错误代码
Windows Update 错误 51F  

如果在尝试安装更新时收到 Windows Update 错误 51F,则 Microsoft Office 2003 产品的本地安装源 (LIS) 已损坏。LIS 是 Office 2003 产品用来安装程序和 Office 程序更新的软件。

Windows Update 错误 52F  

如果在尝试安装更新时收到 Windows Update 错误 52F,说明 Microsoft Office 2003 产品的本地安装源 (LIS) 已损坏。LIS 是 Office 2003 产品用来安装程序和 Office 程序更新的软件。

Windows Update 错误 80070070

  如果在尝试安装更新时收到 Windows Update 错误 80070070,请释放计算机上的磁盘空间,然后重新尝试。

Windows Update 错误 80070002

  如果在检查更新时收到 Windows Update 错误 80070002,需要删除 Windows 用于确定计算机更新的临时更新文件。若要删除这些文件,请完成下面的所有步骤,然后重新尝试检查 Windows 更新。

Windows Update 错误 80070003

  如果在检查更新时收到 Windows Update 错误 80070003,则需要删除 Windows 用于识别计算机更新的临时文件。若要删除这些临时文件,请完成下面的所有步骤,然后重新尝试检查 Windows 更新。

Windows Update 错误 80070422

  如果在下载更新时收到 Windows Update 错误 80070422,可能需要更改 Windows Update 服务设置,然后重新启动该服务。

Windows Update 错误 80070643

  如果在安装 Microsoft Office 2003 的更新时收到 Windows Update 错误 80070643,可能需要重新启动 Office Source Engine (OSE) 服务。如果该服务设置为默认的“手动”设置,Windows Update 可以自动启动该服务为 Office 产品安装更新。如果该服务已禁用,则需要重新启动它,然后重新尝试为 Office 产品安装最新的更新。

Windows Update 错误 80072ee2

  如果在检查更新时收到 Windows Update 错误 80072ee2,可能需要将 Windows Update 下载更新的网站地址添加到防火墙例外或“允许”列表中。

Windows Update 错误 80072ee7

  如果在检查更新时收到 Windows Update 错误 80072ee7,可能需要更改或删除 Windows Update 服务的静态 IP 地址。地址保存在一个名为 Hosts 的操作系统文件中。

  每次检查更新时 Windows Update 服务的 IP 地址都可能会改变,但是 Windows 的某些附加程序会将静态地址条目添加到 Hosts 文件中。Windows Update 的静态 IP 地址将会使计算机无法获取更新。

Windows Update 错误 80072efd  

如果在检查更新时收到 Windows Update 错误 80072efd,可能需要将 Windows Update 下载更新的网站地址添加到防火墙例外或“允许”列表中。

Windows Update 错误 8024001F

  如果在检查更新时收到 Windows Update 错误 8024001F,需要连接到 Internet。确保网线电缆已插入并牢固连接到计算机。若要查看 Internet 连接是否能够正常工作,请尝试打开 Web 浏览器,然后访问经常访问的网站。当确认已连接到 Internet 之后,请重新尝试检查更新。

Windows Update 错误 8024402C

  如果在检查更新时收到 Windows Update 错误 8024402C,需要将 Internet Explorer 设置为自动检测局域网 (LAN) 设置,这样 Windows Update 便可以联机获取更新。

Windows Update 错误 80246007

  如果在下载或检查更新时收到 Windows Update 错误 80246007,可能需要更改或重新启动后台智能传送服务 (BITS)。该服务允许 Windows Update 将更新下载到您的计算机。

Windows Update 错误 80246008


  如果在下载更新时收到 Windows Update 错误 80246008,可能需要更改后台智能传送服务 (BITS) 或 Windows 事件日志服务设置,然后重新启动每项服务。

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